I have the CH Products yoke and rudder pedals. While I do have the hardware mapped, the inputs are WAY TOO sensitive. It is impossible to control the plane. I looked around the forums and found some tips but nothing I try seems to make a difference. The controls work fine in X-Plane so I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone who has the CH yoke and rudders working nicely in FS2020 please let me know what settings you’re using?
I too have the CH yoke and pedals, quite old. I reckon they are way too sensitive, particularly when I see you tube stuff of real aircraft flying into airfields like Lower Loon with hardly a wobble. I am all over the place and have really torn up the hill before the runway at Courcheval. BUT I had a couple of real commercial (GA) pilots here a while ago and it didnt seem to bother them, at least they didnt say anything or complain about it. I am concentrating on the 172 so I dont really have a comparison with other aircraft. Guess I should try that first.