Since the release of MSFS and flying the FBW and the C208 mod I didn’t have the necessity of using the rudder. But as I’ve bought the DC6 and with the arrival of the DC3 I decide plug it in again after a long time.
Without modifying the settings on the sim, I feel that both rudder and brakes are very aggressive even with the tiniest corrections. For that, before change any setting I would love to know your advice about how could be the best setting for this classic.
Because you mentioned how aggressive they are, just to be sure, go into Control Options, select the pedals and click on sensitivity.
Press the toe brakes and ensure they do not automatically jump (or start at) 50% and then go up. This is a common problem with the CH’s and can require a re-calibration or calibration clear in windows.
The toe brakes I leave alone as far as settings, and for the rudder, I set the following;
Sensitivity - ( -45%)
Sensitivity + (-45%)
Dead Zone (8%)
Everything else default.
Hope that helps.
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I didn’t know that problem with the pedals was so common. Thankfully It isn’t my case. Furthermore with your settings the rudder behaves a lot better. Even I’ve been able to land the DC3 staying over the line. Well, more or less, but a lot better than the previous occasions.
Thanks you for your advice.
BTW, I’ve been searching the documentation where explaining each of the options in the sensitivity section, but I didn’t find anything. Do you know where I can find it?
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Glad it worked out well for you.
Here is the video I used for my settings;
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