Challenge League - disable assists and 3rd person view

Challenges in challenge league should be played with maximum realism, otherwise they are not challenges.

The current options allowing to complete challenges with all assists on and in 3rd person view is unfair towards players who complete them in cockpit view and with all assists turned off.

It is especially unfair with helicopter landing challenges, where flying helicopter with assists on and 3rd person view is dramatically easier than in cockpit view and no assists. In fact it is almost not possible to achieve landing accuracy pinpoint level without the external view.

Solutions to this issue:

  • introduce a penalty for each assist turned on and each second in 3rd person view, deducted from the final score
  • introduce a bonus for flying with no assists and in cockpit view.

The penalty/bonus has to be significant, altering total score by at least 30%. For example if you achieved maximum possible score with assists on, you will get only 70% of it.


I kind of agree with the assists, but I think it would be better to just not have helo precision landings than to eliminate 3rd person view. Cockpit view in sim gives you significantly less situational awareness than in real life (unless you’re using VR.) Note that the fixed wing precision landings and the rally/low-altitude challenges are harder in external view because it’s more difficult to get a sense for the attitude of the aircraft from outside.

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didn’t even realize you could use assits until seeing this post. I fly default without any. I agree 100. disable or limit score.

See you in Gold this week -Trevoc

People can use assist? You are sure? This why I ask me how there can this times always. Okay with assists I am out with this challenge stuff!

For those of us that have vertigo or other issues with First Person, 3rd Person is an absolute must. Besides, all the people with best times seem to be in First Person according to the videos I have viewed on Social Media. Please do not change this. I am concerned about 3rd Party software helping some players, however, and unsure if this is a thing helping anyone in Challenge League?


Maybe there should be different Leaderboards for Player with and without assist. But having players without assist and from cockpit view compete which those who have them on and play third person makes little sense.