Change instrument position view In the C208

In the C208 Ex I have the problem that when select Ctrl + 0 to enable the mouse click the camera position go in this new spot view, so I cant maintein.
How I can change in VR the spot view of CTR + 0 to a new normal pilot position ?

You can move to the new spot and then press left alt-left control-zero to save that position. Then control-zero should take you to that spot in the future. It worked that way prior to SU7 but I haven’t tried it since SU6 but I’m assuming it works the same.

Ctrl + Alt + 0 save a new position that you can recall with Alt + 0 (personal view) not change the original view Ctrl + 0. I think the original view Ctrl + 0 can changed from the file camera.cfg inside c208 folder, but I don’t know how to change it.

Ah, you’re right. It’s alt-zero to recall the saved position with ctl-alt-zero. I have it mapped to buttons so I forgot the key combination. Sorry for the mix-up. :wink:

Don’t worry. Anyway I found the workaround, editing the camera.cfg file, after some trial and errors.

I have the same issue with the JU52. I can not activate the toolbar by pressing ALT+0 because it only changes the view to the “under pilot seat look”.

Is there any solution?

Look to this post, is exactly what you need. For my C208 I need to do little different because my cfg file was not exactly the same.

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Thank you. That will help! :+1:

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