Changing Aircraft or Livery After Choosing a Parking Spot for C&D Changes the Departure Point to the Default Runway

I thought yesterday’s Dev Q&A was very good - more in depth than usual, more detailed questions and more detailed answers.

I know that there are large teams, and many bugs, and even if a bug like this is acknowledged with “bug-logged” Sebastian and Martial may not be aware of all of them… However, I am still surprised that they seemed entirely unaware of this bug when it was asked in the live stream, and had not come across it themselves just in the course of test flying? Sebastian’s expression says it all.


I thought that several times during the stream. Is there a “really?” emote that is suitable I wonder.

All we can do is continue to provide solid evidence, incontrovertible proof of any issue, and hope they are true to their word, read the forum posts, and see what we have found.

This one is trivial to demonstrate, as is the patchwork terrain issue.


When I was a producer and working with production teams, there was a producer (an assistant producer or an associate producer) who reviewed bug reports and worked with QA on the process of bug management.

Frequently the lead producer would know about bugs — specifically bigger ones — but often an executive producer would not be that involved.

I’m not sure any of the three present on these panels (at this stage of the growth of the development team) would be on top of these bugs.

The fact that they don’t know about this one, specifically, would tend to point to them not using MSFS 2020 the way many of us do — i.e. cold & dark starts from gates/parking.

It’s conceivable, too, that they are spending flight time on an internal build of 2024 rather than 2020.

EDIT: If anything, it seems to point to a disconnect between what bugs some of us feel are important to fix and what bugs they feel are important to fix.

Someone on the team has to assign priority to the various bugs reported. This one must be low on that list.

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Hi Nixon! I take heart from the fact that the bug is logged and must be on somebody’s list. I also do appreciate that in this particular live stream Jorg especially did take a bit of extra time to explain their bug collecting process - which is something a few of us have asked for in the past. So I’m glad for that. But it was ironic that just after that, Seb had a quizzical look about this bug.

But yes, I can imagine they - the heads - are fully engaged in everything needed for 2024, and the bug fixing for 2020 is more delegated to whatever teams. But as you point out, it does show that maybe they have stopped flying 2020 as normal users see it. Since 2024 would have been in development for a long time now, this kind of shows they probably haven’t gone to it since SU12 (when this was reported).

Still, overall, I have to acknowledge the incremental improvements on Xbox, and the more in-depth Q&A in this live stream. On the whole, positive.

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I must say I have fallen foul of this same bug a few times now… I have now had to adapt my ‘workflow’ so that I select my aircraft, livery, weather, etc all first, BEFORE choosing my departure location. I always fly airliners and like to start cold & dark at a gate. This bug has caught me a few times where I end up beginning on the runway when I didn’t want to be there! Took me a few goes before I worked out what was going on!


Just to add another few instances to this bug, it’s been happening to me lately too. Couldn’t figure out why I was selecting to start at the gate but spawning on the runway.

A bit of a live commentary:

Steps to reproduce:
Select the aircraft and livery (Fenix A320, Pacific Airlines livery)
Select the Departure and Destination airport (VVCI to VVNB) and select IFR and choose your SID and STAR. Select the starting gate (gate 6)
Select the weather theme: Live weather and adjust to the day time.

Notice runway 07 is selected somehow.
Go to the drop down and select gate 6 and it immediately changes to runway 07 again.
Select any gate or position (via the drop down or via the map), and it immediately changes to runway 07 again.
Load the sim… this time now it’s at Gate 6! :thinking:

More testing to come, but usually been spawning on the runway after selecting a gate.

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Three sim updates later and no fix.

So odd how bugs like these become “forever bugs”.


Very sad indeed. If I remember correctly ,they were surprised about this bug in the Dev Livestream when someone asked about this (not the latest, 1 or 2 before)…
But sure the next SU will fix it, right?


its very odd that what appears to be a really simple bug - and a quality of life fix, has not been resolved.

this thread is tagged as bug-logged -but its been at least two updates.

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It’s been a year and I still occasionally get caught by this. I must be really stupid or something. I can’t believe it doesn’t have 500 votes, every time I have to abort the flight and re-set it up again, about 5 minutes wasted.


I think long lived bugs become ’features’ lol

Crazy it wasn’t there in SU11, got introduced at SU12, and now 3 SUs later it’s still there (unless the final release of SU15 sorts it of course).

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Te same! Is it solved in current beta?

No. Nada. Non.

This is a reminder that this thread is meant to serve as a bug topic, not a discussion topic. If you are experiencing this issue, please feel free to report your findings using the following template. In addition, if you find workarounds or processes that helped resolve the bug for you, please feel free to post about it, as it may help the team’s investigation. Outside of this, please use an existing or new topic in the appropriate Discussion Hub or User Support Hub to discuss/assist others with this bug. All other posts will be removed.

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take another plane or skin, take parking spot - no cold and dark, the flight starts from the runway!!! :frowning:

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no needed, every time this issue is present

Is this confirmation that this bug also exists in the current Beta 15 version?

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yes still going on for me too. this is just a joke at this point. over 12 months later and Asobo or the 3rd party dev cannot resolve yet we can all manage to re create the issue regularly. im not mad just dissapointed


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Exactly as described and SO ANNOYING!

Are you using DX11 or DX12?


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I first noticed this quite some time ago. I prefer starting most flight ‘cold and dark’ and then heading to the runway after completing all pre-takeoff checklists. However occasionally I’ll make some last minute adjustment to the aircraft or flightplan, hit the ‘fly’ button, and find that it’s dropped me on the runway with all engines running and ready for take-off. Which is a great feature if that’s what you’re after, but very annoying if you’re not!

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Still happening in current version. Very disappointing that this has been logged for a year.

Please change/add the tag to Beta 15 @Hester40MT (i tag you as i see you have responded to this one before)

thank you

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