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This is far worse performance than before
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I also got out of the beta. I then deleted my Nvidia shaders…when came out, I deleted my Nvidia shaders again and reinstalled the new beta…I don’t know if this is the reason, but I am not experiencing the stutters anymore.
In case you want to try, here is a Youtube video to show/explain how to do this: Reduce Stutters in MSFS | NVidia Settings - YouTube
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I noticed no improvement with stutters in 1.34.11. I’m running an all AMD system, so the NVidia shaders suggestion won’t work in my particular case.
I can report that performance has reversed AGAIN for me with the latest beta build. It’s back to smooth with DX12beta and a little choppy in DX11 now. I also get about 10-15 FPS more in DX12beta than with DX11 with popped out instruments in the TBM930.
One thing to note is that, as I’m back to using DX12beta, the ground tiles are extremely blurry at a short distance from the aircraft and major pop in is occurring now, much worse for me than before the beta. I can’t speak for the same effect in DX11 as I’m unable to test properly with all the stuttering that is happening for me when moving the camera with opentrack/smoothtrack on my phone.
I’m not on the beta anymore but I tried the settings from the linked video and holy … guacamole… it gained me a lot of FPS, along with no stuttering (which was minimal before the beta anyway).
I tend to regard settings tweaks like this as snake oil but I’m so glad I tried it.
Thank you for posting the link to the video!!! 
So I am on the beta suffering the same issues but after 8 hours of wanting to throw my pc in the bin I FOUND IT! Well for me anyway… Shut FSUPIC down and works like a dream again
never installed fsuipc here, still have immense stutters…
I had this exact problem recently. I called it CPU antispikes, where CPU load suddenly drops and msfs freezes for 1-2 seconds. Friend did give me advice, that see you CPU core usage. If there is one core pumped with 100% load, you are in trouble. And yes i had core 0 pumped 100% all the time.
So what i did? I did close some of my background processes (google drive, dropbox, discord, edge) and BOOM! Stutters are 99% gone. And now i did workaround with Process Lasso software:
- i did disable cores 0-6 and threads 8-15 for all the background processes i need, but i dont want to disable completely.
- So from this point MSFS.exe is only aplication to use all the cores and threads if my 5800x3d.
- If my core 0 would still be 100% load, i could give it more headroom with CPU sets function of Lasso. That function would take load from core 0 and give it to rest of the cores and threads. But this sould do only with msfs.exe.
So my stutters and freezes are gone. I can play locked 72fps with Comanche and frame generation doubles it to 144fps with 144hz ultrawide screen.
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I have just had a huge boost in performance + considerable improvement to the unplayable stuttters by the following:
dx12 beta ON
for anyone else needing ideas try giving it a go
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Awesome mate. What does HAGS mean please?
hi sorry for not explaining the abbreviation, it means hardware accelerated gpu scheduling. Alot of fps and stuttering tutorials mention to turn this setting off in windows but i found much better performance when this is turned on
thanks bud. Yeah I always find wherever most things claim to help they only do when turned off aka game mode lol
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I must say, it seems like they’ve outdone themselves on the latest (1.34.12) I’ve found the graphics performance to be even worse since downloading the newest beta. I didn’t think they were going to touch it according to the release notes, but silly me for thinking that.
And why is the Solution box checked? It sure isn’t solved.
I managed to roll back too without a hitch.
That random stutter now and again is really bad, hope they fix that before release.
Anyway back to the SU12 build and it has disappeared.
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Clearing the Rolling Cache file solved by stuttering issues.
Disabling photogrammetry would also solve stuttering issue…
But that’s not a solution. Asobe needs to think on how to have PG without causing the stutters.
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I think both your observations are important. 1) there is an apparent fix for at least some issues, and 2) its up to Asobo to find a way of incorporating to apply a fix that doesn’t sacrifice desired features. That’s part of what Beta testing is for. I simply hope that Asobo follows through with incorporating fixes.
Glad it worked for you. It did not for me.
Tonight (Tuesday, August 29) I went into safe mode, which, I think, would be a pretty good substitute for uninstalling third party software. It happened by accident, but I went with it. Alas, no improvement in the stuttering.