Chrismas Present

Mrs: So Alan, what do want for Christmas dear?
Me: ■■■■ nose… maybe a new plane that is fast and stable.
Mrs: Alan… we’re doing well… but not THAT well!
Me: Ho Ho Ho! I mean a new plane available in the Microsoft Flight Simulator…
Mrs: OHH! … Ho Hi Ho… Well whats new, reliable and fun to fly?
Me: No idea… thats why I’m asking the MSFS as I type
Mrs: OK! Well let me know and I’ll ensure I green light the necessary funds!

You heard the lady guys!!! :slight_smile:


FlyingIron P-38L. An utter delight from ignition to landing. :slight_smile:


I can’t disagree with LameLefty. If you like warbirds it is a masterpiece and the developer is continuing to improve it.


I missed this one. Not my usual but watching YouTube it looks a nice aircraft. 2 weeks until my birthday :grinning:

Thanks fir the recommendation!

Looks like the three Christmas presents I was looking forward to won’t materialise in time…

  • F-35 (IndiaFoxTecho)
  • C337 (Carenado)
  • Grumman Goose (Big Radials)


Can definitely recommend the P-38 though

The SWS Quest Kodiak or the new freedom fox available from orbx.

The quest is just outstanding, and freedom fox is also amazing.

Both have good systems for the level and type of plane… quest is very deep system wise for a GA in MSFS. The kit fox has official mods in the install/setup program made by the amazing “Got Garvel” guys who are to GA what FBW are to Airbus Airliners in MSFS.

Either one is a fantastic Christmas present.

Push your luck if you can and bag both :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks again for the recommendation. I bought it and it is a great fun aircraft.

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