Cirrus SF50 turns on autothrottle on landing

Please add the msfs-2020 or msfs-2024 tag to your post, depending on which sim your post is about.

I’ve landed a Cirrus in an airport with no ILS. When I was at about 1000 ft above the runway, with full flaps and about 90 KIAS (just above the green dot) and descending at 350 fpm the AT has turned on automatically. Mi AP was disconnected, I was landing the aircraft by hand. Is this normal? And if it is, how to avoid it? I don’t want the AT if I’m landing with the aircraft descending slow
under control.

I’ve had to be very aware of the AT annunciator and disconnect it quickly two times during the descent until I’ve touched the ground.

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I’ve had the same issue happen to me twice. Not sure why. Plane is fully configured for landing. Speed is controlled manually.


I am having the same issue. I have been flying the Vision Jet solid for 2 days. The last two carrer missions I flew, I had to ABORT because of this.

There’s some good info on the Vision Jet low speed stall protection. Could be the cause.

Whoops nevermind!


Right now there is a bug with the sim where the AP will always disconnect at 400 feet above ground level, no matter what.

Apparently the real vision jet will not allow you to enable AP under 400 feet, but it shouldn’t disable it automatically like this.

See/vote here:
Cirrus Vision Jet cuts off autopilot at 400ft

You’ve linked to an issue with AP disconnecting at 400’ but this thread is about Uncommanded AP connecting during approach.

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