Cirrus SR22T G6 Flight Model Mod

Hi everyone, is there a flight model mod for Cirrus SR? It is impossible to fly the model in 2020, especially after the models in XP and P3D. Even the model from Сarenado in P3d flies much nicer than the default one in 2020

yes, there is one. Look at

I tried this, it’s still not something I’d like to have. Maybe some third party developers are developing stand-alone Cirrus SR?

Is there something in particular you’re finding challenging? The flight model is nearly spot on with the books, and pretty faithfully reproduces the behaviors (and quirks, be careful in the flare with power!) of the real aircraft, which we made with feedback from both SR22T pilots and the manufacturer themselves.

Something to keep in mind is that this is an SR22T (so the turbocharged version), not a regular SR22, so there are some significant differences in how it is flown compared to the normal SR22, especially in regards to the prop, which works completely differently than the non-turbo version. The turbo version has no prop pitch and throttle interconnect, instead only a fixed RPM governor at 2500 RPM.

Interested to hear more details in what you’re finding to be an issue. :slightly_smiling_face:


Moved from Cirrus SR22T G6 feedback in Polls & Feedback as the OP is asking for support.

Guys, I worked on adjusting the sensitivity of my devices, adjusted everything to suit myself and with the mod that is on flightsimto got an airplane with nice control.
Now I have one more question, is there any way to make a state save for Cirrus? To save fuel, buttons, weight after each flight automatically?