Citation Longitude / CRJ - only 2 missions and they pay almost nothing

This is what you get from a Citation Mission.
The only 2 missions you will find are in Saudi Arabia.
You will earn the same as C172… and the flights are stupidly short.

This is after paying 1million creds just to move my plane to SA.

This whole thing of locking PAX/VIP missions to only 1-2 regions is also VERY annoying and needs to be changed - pls - stop forcing us to go all the way around the world for specific mission types - it makes no sense - the world isnt so small that only a handful of countries have passenger flights and we would like our careers to actuallly make sense.


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Description of the issue:
I sold Vision Jet, and purchased Longitude, and spawned it into KJFK.
There are no career missions for this plane.
I have seen others complain about it on discord , but im surprised there was no bug report.

I have two planes after selling my 172s.

  • Citation Longitude
  • C208

I only have cargo mission, and nothing for my charter commpany.

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How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?


  • Have only Citation Longitude in Charter Company

Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Have only citation longitude in company
  2. Observe freelance missions, with no VIP charters.

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I too just made a bug report about this. Saved all my money to buy the CJ4. After buying it, all missions but cargo missions disappeared. Apparently it’s the same issue when you buy the PC-12 for medium cargo missions. I’m stuck with no aircraft now and can’t do any other missions. I could sell the CJ but don’t really want to have to.


Do the VIP charter missions work at all? It’s crazy to me that buying the plane does not unlock them.

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• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• If you buy and sell the TBM 930, it does not comeback for it to be purchased again

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Having the same issue on console. Worked forever to be able to afford the longitude just to not have any missions for it. worried about if I buy other planes if ill have the same issue.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Bought the Citation Longitude but no available missions for the plane

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They work. I have VIP company and 2 aircraft there - C172 and Cirrus Vision Jet. And I have a lot of missions for both of these planes. Did you pass “golden” VIP charter mission to unlock these missions in general?

bruh. those are Tier 1 planes.

there are no Tier 2 charter missions for

  • Citation Longitude
  • Citation CJ4 ( Citation X )
  • PC12 NGX

thats the bug.

Vision jet works.

but go any higher tier and you will still only have tier 1 missions for the visionjet - and NOT for the tier 2 businessjets.

I suggest you read the post properly before making an incorrect comment.

And yes - before you ask - all of us did the tier 2 gold mission in the PC12.

This is a constant issue being brought up on the discord.

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Before being aggressive and telling me what to do, please check the comment on which I replied. (“Do the VIP charter missions work at all?”)
Yes, the topic is about Citation Longitude. But my reply was to offtop question asking whether VIP charter missions work in general.

Update. They finally appeared - however this is a problem still.

I’m soon to hopefully be buying the Longitude, but worried it might be a waste of money!

I’ve found throughout career it has been a huge struggle to get missions in most aircraft. I’m trying to unlock places in the world but all the places that are said to have the higher demand I can’t get there. So I’m often flying to destinations then having to transfer back to the one area that only seems to spawn 1-2 missions - very frustrating!

Yeah - unfortunatly there is zero benefit moving beyond VisionJet, as you wont be earning any higher in the CJ4 or Longitude until they fix/rebalance the missions.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yep different area and aircraft, but any missions require about 30K to move the pilot and plane, then there are only a few 2-5 and its another 30K+ expense on top of maintenance.,

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• Pictures are worth a thousand Karen’s crying. Plenty of flights for no pay career, but when you need 1.9 million for a new airbus H125, or almost a million for a used one and another 60k or so for maintenance, you get three.

Flightseeing should be repeatable flights with different passengers based out of a central airport, KSEZ Sedona for example. I can name a dozen landmarks in a 30 minute flight range. They would pay realistic prices, $700 sunset flight 800 for two passengers, 1000 for three. Three landmark, 45 minute tour of the sites, 1200, more for more seats.

From what I can see it costs someone a cool 23K for a half hour in my Cabri G2.
Now I’d like that if I had any more flights for saving up cash, but I got exactly 3 and then I need to move my Cabri and pilot to frigging Canada, so far north I doubt there’s anything but ice and bad weather. I used my cash to unlock all my instrument, turboprop, multi engine, night, probably a few more.

Did exactly one Firefighting mission, do not get any more. There are 91 active fires around my area just begging for an air tractor.

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It worked for me too when I had the 172 and Vision Jet. It wasn’t until after I purchased the CJ4 that they all disappeared and haven’t come back.

Went ahead and purchased a Longitude, on the basis I have nothing else to really spend money on. I’ve been flying around in other aircraft, but all the areas unlocked have no Charter VIP missions which I understand is what the Longitude requires.

I have completed the VIP flight that appears that takes you to Nice already also.

Here’s what I’ve found so far doing only Cargo and Charter missions:

  • Cargo in the Grand Caravan is one of the best money makers. 800k-1.2M per flight. Australia is a surprisingly good place to do some easy Cargo flights, I easily made the 7M for the Citation CJ4 doing missions here.

  • VIP Charter seems a bit broken at the moment. So far, I’ve only been able to get sort distance or “tier 1” missions, in the Vision Jet. These pay decent for the time (100-200k p.f.), but nothing pops up for the CJ4 anymore. I found 2 flights in Dubai and Abu Dhabi initially, after spending almost a million relocating the CJ4 there just to do these flights, and now none show up anymore. So if you want to do VIP Charter, you’re stuck with the Vision Jet for now. DO NOT buy the CJ4 at the moment unless you have free cash and just want to own one.

No change in the most recent update that I can see.

In fact, the Longitude is no longer available to be purchased - so I wonder if something has changed. Change log doesn’t allude to why the Longitude is no longer available for purchase but I wonder if it wasn’t intended for career missions hence none spawning!

After doing one of the 2 dubai flights you mentioned, I had one spawn in Saudi to the east paying 30k+ (before job pay was fixed so would have been 600-800k base payout) but I never did it, I’ve had the same PC-12 in my charter company since then and that job has disappeared as well as the remaining one in Dubai. I bought a CJ4 30 mins after latest patch and nothing has changed.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it? yes. zero missions with all major cities opened up

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue: multiple aircraft have this issue including the saab 340 cargo

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