today about 90 min into a flight @ FL370 the autopilot started climbing slowly 700’. I forced it back down to FL370 and shortly after it started climbing again.
Usually I fly short hops and max out at FL280 and never had that problem. The barometer was constant at 2992 and the Vatsim Controller confirmed my altitude deviation.
Is this a known bug?
Turbulence? Were you over mountains. Asobo seems to think that because you are flying over mountainous terrain, you will ALWAYS have up/down drafts, regardless of altitude.
One thing I did notice though on a recent CJ4 flight is that the AP violated the indicated Altitude hold constraint dialed in on the MCP. This was on approach just before Loc capture. Never had that happen before - could be a bug, I suppose?
Otherwise, I would suspect byproduct from the WWE (wonky weather engine)…but oh, that haze is just beautiful (even though it shouldn’t be depicted in the first place). lol
Flew over 3,000 NM this week as a fledgling WT CJ4 simmer and, nada - ALT was held like a rail. I did encounter light turbulence, and at one point it dropped me several hundred feet from cruise, but otherwise very stable. Operated at FL250-450. Maybe a hardware control binding is drifting from worn pots?
nope, no mountains. Was over GA. and the altitude increased very slowly but steadily. wasn’t turbulence.
but thank you for the suggestion.
yes I experienced that in the past. Turbulence drops you a couple hudred feet rapidly but the AP always brings you back up to target altitude.
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