While taxing, also saw planes taking off on taxi ways lol
Yeah these online ATC’s seem to be smoking a lot of something.
I get it for real players in online mode that ATC can’t deal with some of that and in order to continue working makes some “exceptions” but my last flight from KSFO had ATC clear me for takeoff and i forgot to look right, next thing i know i’m lined up and see a 747 AI plane go TOGA thrust 50ft above me…
Definitely something still quite a bit borked, but then again, i never really liked the in-game ATC options for any sim. This one is not quite as good as FSX but miles better than Xplane…
Waiting for a good Pilot2ATC integration able to vector live traffic too
I’ve had this about a dozen flights as well in and around Canadian airports (CYUL, CYYZ, CYOW) - They’ll clear you for take off after they have cleared another for landing. You can see the lights in the distance. Once you roll onto the runway you hear ATC call go around.