Clouds looking blurred, how to fix!

Hi all

My CLOUDS looking like a blurred or somehow not sharp naturally, how to fix that?!

Settings set to high, Clouds set to ultra as well as the resulotion.



IMG_20201224_155251 IMG_20201224_155216 IMG_20201224_155117

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fix it by set weather to clear skys!

  • just joking :slight_smile: sadly, its a big problem and its also present on ultra settings. I don´t know if any setting in the Sim or Nvidia could solve it. Its a major and often discussed cosmetic issue! :frowning: we have to wait for a fix from Asobo´s side

Same thing here. Puffy bright cumulus clouds now look dithered, and way dithered at that. Tried resetting the graphics settings back to their default values as well as adjusting individual settings, no luck. Tried real weather as well as all the different cloud options. It happens at different resolutions and graphics This started after the 22nd December update ( This is on a new computer builld that has nothing else installed other than a stock windows 10 and the simulator. The NVIDIA drivers have not been updated in months. No overclocking of anything. Up until this update the graphics were flawless.

Found this megathread regarding the problem, seems like it’s been around since day 1.

Really odd why a perfectly working pristine system would be suddenly affected by this.

As a team member for the first Macintosh I remember, Steve Jobs used to come into our lab at the weirdest times. If there was something that did not work right in the user interface he would single out the coder and ask them “Really, is this the best you can do?”. I miss that with current times software.

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This issue showed up for me a few weeks ago after some update I believe. I think around the same time the trees changed look as well and became more fuzzy/dithered.

I just assumed it’s part of Asobo’s tweaking for performance and so on? But it certainly looked
better before the change :slight_smile:

I would have preferred a Flight Sim for Mac by Apple, especially when Steve was alive, Microsoft makes me mostly just frustrated.


The fix did nothing. No change.

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scrolldown you have two setup you need change scroll bottom config.all in video 100% work

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