Cockpit perspective autopilot cannot be used

Cockpit perspective autopilot cannot be used,can be used from the drone perspective,but there will be shaking. Sorry for my bad english.

Can you please check on these settings first?

  1. Assist should be set to True to Life / Hard. This is because any flight assistance that’s turned on, will override the autopilot, which will make the aircraft misbehaves. This includes overriding the flaps settings, the autothrust, sometimes the nav, and definitely your approach before landing. These assists should only be used on small GA aircrafts with no or at most simple autopilots. Complex computerised aircraft such as airbus will not benefit from the assistance settings, in fact it will screw up with the complex autopilot.

  2. Flight model should be set to modern. This is because the flight made by asobo have codings that are designed with modern flight model. Using legacy model would conflict the aircraft coding designs and create all sorts of issues.

  3. Set your deadzone to at least 5%. This is because micro inputs from your controls may be registered as valid inputs, which again will override the autopilot controls. Setting the deadzone will have a margin where these micro inputs will not be registered and will prevent it from overriding the autopilot.

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How to set fight model be modern?

In your Options, under General. There’s a Flight Model on the left side. Then if it’s showing as Legacy, set it to Modern.

Wow, thank you very much!