They definitely changed the material shaders. And the windshield material got some extra effects added. I think devs just need to find the perfect values for the material properties to get a nice balance. It’s going to look different on other planes. I wouldn’t consider that a bug.
You should turn down the interior lights if you expect to see anything out the window. Just like real life. Supposedly the lighting values are more realistic, so night is very dark compared to those white lights.
Valid point but I think it’s clearer in the video - the reflection is of the ground below not the lights in the cabin. It diminishes once I move off from snowy (white) terrain below to flying over something darker like a lake. There’s not really a noticeable difference with the cabin lights off.
daytime, low over snowy trees reflect waaay too much. all those white blobs constantly move upward. because of the way reflections are calculated, it doesnt consider the interior of the plane, so those reflections are from the ground underneath
In some circumstances the sunlight from the front at daytime makes the windshield completely white. Much more worse than in the video here. You can see absolutley nothing.
Also glass cokpiz screens show sometimes almost nothing.
An old bug from 2020 is still there: fog outside also drasw contrast of glass cokpit screens. Whuite letters become unreadable.
FYI, there is a Wishlist for an option to turn off windscreen reflections. This post by @ExtraPilot6480 lists a number of aircraft affected by reflections on Feb-01-2025: