I had a real problem with FS2002 recently, and had to use the dreaded RESET option to get back to something workable.
Since then, while I can use my right mouse down and slide the mouse around to change the view in all directions in the cockpit, that has gone totally missing in the “post reset” settings. I have tried copying the exact same mouse settings that are in the External views, which work fine, and the cockpit view, all to no avail, I just want to hold the right button down while moving the mouse in the cockpit to rest the view left, right, up or down as needed.
The normal keyboard arrow keys translate the view up down/left right as normal, but the mouse refuses to to anything with the right button held down.
Maybe it has something to do with this problem, but now, if I use the left right navigation keys, it now allows me to go totally outside the aircraft if I keep pressing them, which it never used to do ??
If anyone can help I would be most grateful.?