Cold and Dark Start - parking just bizarre

I do all cold and dark starts in the 152. Generally speaking, where the plane is parked (and yes, I get it that I pick the spot) is completely ridiculous. The parking spot itself may be fine, but your nose is aimed straight at a building or a car or a fuel truck. This latest one, I picked GA small parking at NZQN, the flight started, and the nose of the aircraft was 6 inches from a fence and a berm, no personnel for pushback. So I tried starting the aircraft up and making a super hard turn, no luck - straight into the fence. If I had been pointing 180 degrees the opposite way it would have been no problem.

Anyone else see stuff like this? I see it constantly. The airplane is just pointed in the wrong direction!

This issue sucks, but you can Shift+P to force pushback. Thats something at least.

Tried that - no personnel around, no pushback.

What is ridiculous about that?
In real life you would push your aircraft into a start position yourself before firing up the engine.

Ok, then can you please share the get out of your airplane and push it back like you would in real life mod? I apparently overlooked it. :roll_eyes:


Did you rebind your keys? You should always be able to force pushback while stopped on the ground even if theres no ground crew. It was like that in FSX too. I do it all the time.

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I tried - didn’t work. That’s why I assumed that if there’s no personnel that you can’t get a push.

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