Hi guys!
I’m starting a collective project and I would like to know which buttons should I give priority to have and to use with the helicopters in the simulation? I have the idea to build one model that I can use in
Bell 206, 407, H125… using basic commands to operate. Will be not very realistc but I’m looking for a multi helicopter basic functions.
I just got a new Virpil base/collective and in the processing of assigning controls now. Using the HP H145 right now.
I found a thread here where someone suggested knobs for engine start sequence, engine stop sequence, and rotor brake which work fine. Somemone on the Virpil forum suggested assigning a hat switch to trimming, which I found quite helpful during long flights, too.
Another suggestion was to assign lights (landing…), but I don’t fly at night thus didn’t do that so far.
I saw this kind of thing recently and was wondering if it could be of any use.
Imagine it ‘strapped’ to a flight stick or collective lever?
Thank you so much…
Let’s see if someone suggest something else
Hi Baracus250! I saw this one another day, but will be a little bit diffcult to fit in my project. But in a small panel to add some functions could be great!
You can use mine for the base features if you want. I included the f3d files in Thingiverse and have some build vids on YouTube. Could be a nice starting point. Plus, the design has interchangeable heads for multiple birds. All I ask is if you design a new head, you make it available to all. Not a requirement of course, just an ask.
Helicopter collective - YouTube
Helicopter Collective with inter-changeable heads by Thick8 - Thingiverse
Wow! I will check carefully the videos…and yep! It’s a nice starting point! I will post here the progress. Thanks man!