In important places in the world, some parts are not representative, not even their color, here even green stains the sand and water of one of the most beautiful beaches in the world Anakena, Easter Island - Chile (tropical climate)
(I added the palms since they did not exist either)
Left real photo, not satellite
Right FS 2020 screen shot , all balanced to green: Sand , water, land
Remember that in some cases, places have dry and rainy seasons. When dry, it looks arid. During and after the rainy season, it’s green and lush. If satellite imagery that was used to generate the landscape in game was taken during the rainy season, but you’re looking at pics taken during the dry season, it will look drastically different in terms of colour. Whether that’s the case here or not, I don’t know. But it’s something to keep in mind when comparing.
Perhaps when seasonal changes are brought to the game, this will change.
That image definitely has an over green tint, you can see it in the sandy area above the water.
I am sorry to say it but you will find areas of outstanding natural beauty dont always look like that in the sim. Its sometimes a colour issue as in your case, too many trees on rock surfaces and mountain terrain in others, entirely incorrect types of trees too. These all alter the look of terrain sometimes with detrimental results at times.
That said, some areas looks stunning too so its not all bad.
If the image was taken via satellite, then there a lot of variables including the season, the time of day, atmospheric conditions, and the exact camera/imaging technique used that will affect the color. You can go on Google/Bing maps and see that not all parts of the Earth have the same color gradients.
Nothing is wrong with people that are disappointed with areas that they love, want to fly over in the sim and find that it doesnt look as good as they hoped it would, its a perfectly natural reaction and not remotely insane. Nobody else’s enjoyment of this sim should in any way be affected by other peoples disappointment or their expression of it either.
What makes you think the photograph of that location has the correct colors? I take pictures all the time and they always come off a little different from reality
Yes, everyone is aware that the satellite imagery in some areas isn’t perfect. You have a few options - 1. create your own satellite and send it up to space. 2. contact Bing and tell them that their satellite imagery isn’t perfect. 3. contact the owner of the satellite directly and tell them that their satellite imagery isn’t perfect. 4. contact Asobo and tell them Bing’s satellite imagery isn’t perfect. However, I think all of these options are pretty pointless as I’m sure every single one of these parties are already aware that their satellite imagery isn’t perfect, and they’re probably already working on improving it. So I’d suggest the best option is probably just to be patient
@FibroidEye59, lol…of course no one would do that, but the question is why does that happen? and, BING Maps updated monthly, annually or never their images ? also, the image from bings maps, does not look like it appears in FS2020 (all green)
I’m not sure how often Bing data is updated, but it doesn’t seem to be very frequently. There are parts of the world I’ve flown over in game where the data shown is about 10 years old.