I was flying the last leg of one of the “Bush” trips when the local ham radio 2 meter chatter started up on 146.520. I thought what the heck, I’ll use OBS and capture my FS 2020 screen and re-direct the audio from my Yaesu FT-991 to OBS so everyone could hear our radio chatter. On this particular stream I didn’t have my audio being recorded (I took care of that today) so all you’re hear are other hams asking me questions about FS 2020.
This is a local Portland/Vancouver 2 meter ham radio ragchew simplex group. I’m trying to get them to install FS 2020 so we can fly together and communicate using REAL radios. It was a hoot. I bailed out of the Bush flight and switched to a 172 out of PDX. Skip forward as the first few minutes were a bit …wonky.