Community Heroes

I couldn’t see a similar thread when I searched, but I just thought it would be great way to say thanks and show our appreciation to the community heroes out there! It can be someone arranging events, writing guides, helping beginners, someone who makes addons and shares them with the community or just anyone who you feel contributes to the MSFS community in a positive way :slight_smile:

I would like to send a special thanks to two persons from the addon/mod community, who dedicate lot of time and effort to offer all simmers out there great addons…for free!

@hnielsen791 and his team for the fantastic work and effort done with the Global AI Ship Traffic v2 mod! I’m blown away by the dedication on this project, it’s a top-notch addon that really enhances the sim and it just keeps improving, so thank you and keep up the good work!

@PinkPanteees (SuperSpud) for the amazing addons (mainly in UK)! I’ve greatly enjoyed the quality and attention to details in your airports/airport improvements, which is of great payware quality! From the Scillies in the south to the Hebrides in the north! Keep up the good work!


He is the father of the mod community.Without him,nothing could be in order :point_down::clinking_glasses:


I think this is a great idea. So many awesome freeware addons, great tutorials and lots of folks doing great things in the sim like charity events and so on.

Us flight simmers share an amazing community with some fantastic people!


What a good idea just to say thank you very much to all people who made and will make these wonderful addons.
So everybody has his own preferences and I’m sure there are a lot of fantastic addons I don’t know they exist.
For me some of the addons which make the fantastic MSFS 2020 a much better simulator are:

  1. All the special sceneries and liveries, I installed a lot of them
  2. All the addons for the F18 and Aircraftcarrier
  3. TouchingCloud for their soaring addons and sailplanes and the USS Enterprise
  4. Sky Dolly for replays to watch my failed landings on the aircraft carrier in fixed drone view
  5. The helicopters Airbus A135 and the UH-1H Huey and AirlandFS
  6. the MSFS Addon Linker!!!

  7. and and and.

Hey, let’s not forget Bijan Habashi and his superb landscape/trees/etc mods. Okay they’re payware, although not at all expensive, but the ongoing support and development, together with frequent updates and willingness to accept requests at no extra cost surely puts him in a class of his own!

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I would like to humbly submit my vote for: [BostonJeremy77].

I would like to humbly submit my vote for: PMS50 @ScorpionFilm422 and his GNS & GTN Garmin Systems

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