Complete Loss of Keyboard Controls & Mouse? New BUG?

Recently I noticed the mouse pointer disappears and you loss all keyboard command controls. I sure hope this isn’t only me. So far I’ve only been flying the 172 because I’m flying Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica.

No issue like this in my end, alls well with my keyboard and mouse.

No isses my end suspected user error.

I noticed this with my keyboard today!

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If you are in drone camera for example, and accidentally switch to exterior camera instead of jumping back into cockpit, it screws everything else up. This is another big that needs to be addressed.

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Yup same issue here. I can release parking break and steer using Pro flight Yolk and rudders. No buttons work on the controllers and pretty much all other controls do not work on keyboard so I can’t press E or S to look at the runway during training. I cant middle mouse click to freely look around. completely screwed. I am in the middle of reinstalling the game however I doubt its going to fix the issue.

Basically I cannot play the game as I cannot progress in any of the lessons due to not being able to look at the runway and follow other commands that require a shortcut key.

I read some poeple say its overlays with things like NZXT, I disabled all of those, even tried closing it, turned off steam overlays, I tried running the game as Administrator. I tried full screen and windowed mode. I have tried uninstalling and disconnecting my flight yoke and rudders. I have changed my keyboard and mouse USB ports. I have restarted multiple times.

My Keyboard and mouse and everything works in the menu system and all the things highlight when I click or move the steering column etc but soon as I go back to game nothing works.

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I finally found the problem!

I went through every single menu item and reset to defaults and suddenly I could look around my cockpit using the mouse middle button again and I could look at the runway by pressing S. I then went back and started enabling each item and it turned out that I had selected “true” cockpit mode. Soon as I select that mode my shortcut keys no longer work. I have been at this for over 48 hours trying to figure this out!!


So what you’re saying is there is a shortcut key we’re pressing by accident?

No, If you go into options and go to cameras, you will see an option called “True Cockpit”

I enabled that thinking it would make things even more realistic. I think that option is bugged because it completely destroys every button. You can do park brake, rudders and aileron and elevator. no buttons on any of the controllers work. no Buttons for cameras work, mouse buttons no longer work. You can’t even bind new keys they are all ignored. So basically it just breaks the game. Reinstalling the game doesn’t work because all your options are stored on the cloud so that was a waste of 9hours of downloading the game again.

Microsoft needs to fix this or put a message box or tool tip telling you that it will obliterate the game controllers.

I think we’re talking about something different. I have that disabled. My issue, and it happened again today, is I loose all keyboard control, including the mouse pointer. Only the peripherals work. So if you are on autopilot, you have lost total control of your aircraft. If you want to see how this works, go flying, set on AP. Go to drone (insert) and the go from drone into your cockpit (home). Give it a minute or two, and you’ll see how everything goes haywire. God forbid you should exit a camera the wrong way. This needs to be addressed by Asobo.

Since the Australia update I have had same issues. Especially in VR mode. I have to move the mouse around vigorously to allow it to come alive and it works again but only for a little while. Doing this also enables the keyboard to work. I am also frustrated by it as I use the keyboard to contact ATC and almost every time I need to shake the mouse around to allow my keyboard commands to be acknowledged. It would be good to have this issue fixed. Asobo ignored this bug with the latest update