Hi all,
My name is Kapila. My Main Airport is YMML (Melbourne International).
I am running with custom build PC High end. My flight time and hours don’t add to Logbook. anyone has that issue? it was working fine before till July this year. may be after updating it might stop.
Need help Thank you Guys.
Regards Kapila
Also, this is different to Topic.
I have Full Boeing 737 Cockpit to sell. 75 percent complete. FDS Shell and MIP/ Glare shield. all the wiring complete and working. running Pro sim 737. NOTE:- Pro Sim License NOT Transferable You need to Purchase License. FDS Interface cards. CP flight MCPEL and EFIS. MIP wiring connected to CP flight board. Saitek Pro flight Yokes and Rudder Pedals. Pedestal NOT complete yet. CP flight Fire panel. FDS and CP flight computers. FWD and AFT Overhead Panels from cockpit sim parts. Auto off Starter switches. system working fine. Anyone interested please contact me on 0466506995. NO Delivery. Pickup only. from Melbourne
Do you have developer mode on? I think when developer mode is on your flights are not logged.
Sorry, can’t use the cockpit! Good Luck!
Dev mode on?
Yeah it seems delayed. I had over
one hundred hours, had to reinstall the game, lost the hours logged. I dont care just started over.