Constant connection drop

Am I the only one plagued by the constant switching to offline due to "low bandwidth?

/it happens constantly trough the flights, started a few days ago.

I never had ay issues with speed as I have 100 Mbps and only my laptop using it.

Not the low bandwidth but I’m getting frequent connection lost messages and reconnects. Throughout an hour VR flight just now and then on sim startup. Did it a few times yesterday too. My internet seems solid and fast on other things. The recent update was extremely slow and hung the first time too.

Have you updated your WiFi drivers in your laptop recently? I would also look at how your router has been performing. Perhaps a firmware update is needed?

No, you’re not. Had the same message yesterday during a flight, for the first time ever. My internet connection is fast and good. I guess (and hope) it is one of the issues that it’s normal to have straight after an update release. Should be better soon.

Yes this has been happening to me a number of times over the last couple of weeks including yesterday (31 Jan) I am UK based. What about others?

This started to happen to me after I installed orbx SA mesh, never happened again after removing it.

Like others I have experienced this for a very long time but over the last couple of days it seems to have deteriorated further. Over the last couple of days I haven’t flown at all but spent some time with the G36 Improvement Project aircraft, on the ground, engine off, not moving whilst I worked out the layout for my new X Touch Mini. There were repeated disconnected, reconnected and the ‘trouble streaming’ notifications. Checking when it said that I had been switched to offline mode revealed that I hadn’t, all data settings were unchanged and I was still connected to the North Europe server (UK based). Not the best broadband connection at around 35 down and 5 up.

Everything is working as it should and up to date. no internet issues and as I see others are experiencing issues with disconnection, happened to me after they released the latest beta and tested wired and wireless. but thanks for pointing those out, I already ruled them out before asking here.

Happening for a week now…Every start up. I have a blazing 400 mbps and I still get this bloody message! Very annoying. Nothing to do with my provider.

I was getting the same thing after MB upgrade and a switch to Windows 11. Decided to remove GameFirst (Asus software for optimizing network access) and have not had the issue since. Could be a coincidence but worth a try if you have it installed.

I find it happens at random times so it could be an issue on server side. For the past 2 days it stopped on my end

I believe it is on server side. Mine stopped doing that recently and no change on my end