Constant CTD’s on Xbox with 3rd Party Scenery & Airports

I can’t believe how amazing job Devs did with msfs2020 on xbox, no more stutters, amazing performance, butter smooth experience. Huge thanks for all the hard work. Sadly CTDs are still there. I am sure they are really busy with DLSS3 and some other important things, hopefully they will fix CTDs someday. I don’t want refunds anymore after seeing the fantastic work they did with performance. I can live with only Brisbane airport for now since no ctds there ever. Have a great day you all. Peace.

Edit: i saw sydney airport on new releases list today, YSSY. I realized i owned it, maybe i bought it on pc before i forgot. I installed it to test it and now i got my 1st ctd on YBBN Brisbane! It was the only airport not crashing for me. Are these ssd usage numbers are normal please? Imgur: The magic of the Internet 173gb msfs, 69gb reserved, 8gb cache. In content manager it says 24.53/187.16 gib space used. Somethings wrong with file system? Why i began to get ctds on ybbn all of a sudden after installing yssy?
Edit2: ctd on YSSY under 5mins while taxi to takeoff right now. / YBBN 15min test, takeoff and many 0.5sec freezes while trying to land back, it was close to ctd. / installed KLAS again, ctd under 10mins taxi to takeoff. 1 airport is barely working out of 17. Sad part msfs is extremely smooth and performing great now with su10. Clouds look fantastic, maybe they changed lighting also? Anyways

This is good news Request Microsoft/Asobo to revisit consumer rights on marketplace content - #116