Constantly having to change between gallons and Pounds in the refuel page

When i go in the World Map/Aircraft Selection/Weight and Balance i constantly have to change from Gallons to Pounds, why not making this switch remember the position even after closing the sim? Just like it was in FSX.


Hi @ManFlxSrsRwy,
Try toggling the switch GAL-LB-GAL or LB-GAL-LB
Then Save/Apply the settings, exit from MSFS and see if it remembered it.

How do i “save” the settings?

Uhm, there may not be one on the aircraft screens - would be all the way at the bottom if there was.

If not there, do that toggling. Some times those toggles require that ON/OFF/ON trick.

There is no save button, i also tried toggling multiple times but it does not work :frowning:

We get to choose from 3 different weight systems now, but all most of us wanted is just KG/mT for PAX/Fuel and aircraft weights and keep nautical miles and feet for range and altitude, maybe some day.

I’ll have to try it when I get back to my PC. :slight_smile:

Maybe it was meant not to be saved. In real life, that paperwork is filled out each flight with no “defaults” filled in.

Can someone else confirm this is fixed now as well? In my instance it holds my setting

it still doesn’t on mine and yes i have the latest version.