A few hours ago I was flying near monument vally.
Great view and high detail.
I mentioned that there were several other planes in the area and one of them came across from behind.
I thought: hold my beer, and let’s do some formation flying.
He answered my wing wave and followed me.
It would have been even more fun if we could have radio contact.
Question: is that possible? and if yes… how?
Of course I need a headset but then?
What is the best platform and what frequency is used for communication between planes.
There are a number of topics about this in the wishlist, each with their own implementation.
I think the only viable way to implement this is either a text chat for those that want it, or a voice chat for a friends only session?
I don’t know how FSX implemented it. Perhaps there just weren’t as many online users?
edit: updated my post to only show the main thread and suggested a merge to the mods.
There could be a way to transmit voice to the frequency of the airfield if GA or Unicom. there could be a box that comes up for 15 seconds or so after someone talks through the frequency for Mute AND/ OR Report, if someone gets reported they get a ban on transmitting in increments from an hour.
Well yeah, I think most wanting this idea implemented actually want to talk about random stuff and not necessarily ATC related things.
There are other topics about letting other people hear your interactions with ATC and using your voice to interact with ATC. I think if you want online multiplayer ATC you’re best of with Vatsim or IVAO though.
If people would take this seriously it would be great to have an Unicom frequency… but believe all I would hear is something about my mama o someone’s pennis…
You mean air-to-air frequency, not Unicom. In the US it’s 122.75, and other places its 123.45, although somewhat unofficially and ICAO only recommends it’s use when out of range from ground stations. There some others too - Technique: What's the frequency? - AOPA
As much as it would be cool to have this implemented in game, it seems like a bit of a mess IRL and I think an option to “wing up” with people similar to Elite Dangerous would be the best option (but more than 3 people please lol).