Microsoft Store version?
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? No.
Brief description of the issue: World updates like Nordics, Germany etc. keep restarting after they fully download 100%. As soon as they go through the “decompressing” step, they start downloading again at 0%. Its like they are in some kind of loop that won’t end. I finally cancelled out of the ones that were looping and now they show as Not Installed (partially installed). I’ve restarted one of them and the problem kept happening.
I am pretty sure I have the latest FS2020 version. I downloaded it on Dec 25 and installed the base updates on the 26th.
I get this happen at times as well.
What I have found that works is to make a note of the file that is looping.
Stop MSFS\Go find that file, and other parts of it and delete them.
Then re-start MSFS and it typically will start reloading those file parts again without issue.
You might want to turn off any Virus detection software when updating MSFS (at your own risk )
Thank you. This is the xbox version so I don’t think there is virus protection I can control and I also don’t think I can delete things in the file system.
No problem. Thanks for trying. This is getting more hopeless. When I go into the details I see certain parts of each update like certain airports, or points of interest are failing to install. Each time it downloads to asset in question and tries to uncompress. Something happens that causes it to restart the download. It finally gives up after some large number of retries and says “Package Failed.”
The problem is much worse than missing an airport here and there. Because FS2020 thinks the entire update is not installed when I try a spotlight flight for example. So most of the spotlight flights don’t work because FS thinks none of the world updates are installed including the USA update due to missing one airport in Dallas. Hoping someone can help besides deleting the sim and reinstalling everything because I’ve spent the better part of a week downloading the sim and configuring it. (Christmas present…)
Hi, new Xbox user here and had exact same issue - immensely frustrating ! I messaged MSFS support on Twitter who never replied but luckily found an old post on here which fixed it for me. In summary, go into settings and the data section, set the bandwidth for download to your actual bandwidth (eg from unlimited to 20/mb s) and delete the rolling cache file. I had to do this a couple of times and still got the odd file (points of interest) that downloaded 2 or 3 times before successfully installing.
However, that is the only change I made and it definitely worked - I also downloaded files individually rather than all at once which seemed to help.
Thank you Psychovadge. I found that solution as well but I didn’t need to mess with the bandwidth. The problem was the rolling cache was corrupted. The tip caused me to remember a few days ago I tried to increase the rolling cache size and hit another bug. When it got to 100% complete on that, it just hung there forever. I gave it hours but it never said done. I had to kill the game and restart. This must have left the RC corrupted. Deleting it allowed me to complete my updates! Then when I tried to re-enable it, it hung again at 100% (see picture)! Had to kill the game again but this time I knew, I have to delete it and re-enable it until it works otherwise there is a ticking time bomb that will create weird problems later like the update loop.