Content.xml duplicates entries on every start!

why? it was not adressed in that patch according to release notes.

I just had a look at mine, and I don’t think I ever did that for 2024, and the only duplicate entry I could see was for Active Sky. There were about 7 copies of it.

Yesterday evening after installing the hotfix I triple-checked content.xml and there were NO duplicates. Today they are back. I don’t get it… :face_with_monocle:

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A new bugnote concerning the same group of problems with content.xml:

I there have added a link to the bugnote here…

I dont know, couldn’t test it right after release as I was buzy with the SDK that was released and now retracted! So maybe that could explain a bit of the reason, no idea what can or could be streamed to patch something in or out. Hopefully a good patch is released soon.

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Yeah…let’s call the situation…‘dynamic’ :roll_eyes: