Contrail Resolution and Contrail visual Distortions

Hi, I am having a visual issue with the PMDG 737 contrail /Heat Blur, at altitude a glowing sphere appears in the contrail, just aft of the engine, it gets larger over time and only occurs at altitude.
The Asobo A310 does not have the same issue, but I am told the heat blur files PMDG use are Identical
Does anyone else have this issue?
Do Contrails have different resolutions or settings that may cause this issue?

Moved to Third Party Addon Discussion-Aircraft

I have it the same with PMDG. Today I realised I have it also with 747-8 msfs… there seems to be a problem

I have a similar issue. The contrails appear behind the PMDG 737 then end in what looks like a white rectangle. Off because the contrails of the FSLTL aircraft look pretty good; so is it Asobo or PMDG?

I get this, weird lines off of my engines, they look like fs2002 contrails