Controller noise

Hey there, I am experiencing an issue. Normal use I have never had an issue until I started using autopilot. The issue is when autopilot is engaged it will turn off if you move the trim wheel. Well the issue is if I look at the raw data of the trim wheel axis it will move from lets say 495 and 496, and move back and forth between those numbers when just sitting there without touching it (has a range of 0 to 4095). So that one number movement is causing it to disengage autopilot, is there a way to stop this from happening?

Which peripheral are you having issues with?

If you are using Virpil kit for example I would be able to help your exact issue by describing how to add smoothing or a dynamic deadzone to your input using the VPC/Virpil config software, but as I don’t know who’s kit you have…

Hey, its a home made trim wheel/potentiometer using a leo bodnar usb controller board.

Aha. Ok. I’m a little out of my depth here then but I’m actually looking to build my own controller too so I will pay attention to this thread.

I can’t think of any smoothing function in the game settings. How did you program the board? Is there any method of adding some smoothing that would average out the jitter in the software you use to program it?

Nope, there is no software needed, the leo bodnar board is plug n play, no drivers needed and recognized as a joystick/controller in windows. I am thinking there may be an issue with this particular board, I have another leo bodnar board I can try and see if that does the same thing.

Give that axis deadzone in the game until the lever stops moving.

That will only work if it is centered though right? If the trim wheel is not centered when turning on autopilot the deadzone won’t have an effect I don’t think.

If I remember correctly the movement of the stick (because of no dead zone) is what causes it. It doesnt matter if it centered or not (or shouldnt) it will just remember that x amount of movment=deadzone.

Try and see what happens you can always set it back if it doesnt work.

there is no stick, its a wheel, deadzone wont work here.

Yeah I think a deadzone would work but only in the center of the wheel, it is a analog input/axis, trim wheel on a potentiometer.

why not all dead zone does is to read the controller feed back and mark x amount of movement as dead space. Pretty sure it’ll work, works on the ‘wheels’ on my X56.

i tested, not true, you cant get jitter away, execpt at nullpoint.
which is btw eaxctly how i thought it would work.
you can easily see what happens in the sensitivity window/