Corvette in the market place

The ground frictions terrible though so not sure what their going to achieve vs a “driving simulator” can’t see it being anything more than a novelty…

Inferior and unsuitable add-ons like this will damage this sim’s reputation!


Funny, no one seems to complain of such mods in other marketplaces

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Because of a few resaons?

Really cool Addons are waiting to hit the marketplace.
Cool airplanes and / or cool locations.
E.g. the Wilga or 42MG

Such ■■■■ is free on other “marketplaces”?

The In-Game Marketplace is the only way that XBox users can get new content.


Shovelware in other markets doesn’t hold up Xbox users from having content that PC users have had for a month.

Once security criteria is met Microsoft have little influence on creative content and pricing because to do so would mean taking direct responsibility for those products and for any damage they cause. Once accepted it will be first come first served and I’m sure that’s no different for those other markets. They don’t sell xbox products full stop.

Just talked with a few friends about the 'vette.

Few questions came up:

  • Where’s the model from?
  • Is the model and the name licensed by the dev?

Probably this one: [Modified+] Chevrolet Corvette C8 '20 - Chevrolet - GameModels Community

Being licensed is incredibly unlikely :rofl:

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THX a lot.

Might just try launching one off an aircraft carrier hopefully it will sink to the bottom of the ocean never to be seen again :sweat_smile:


I just saw AvAngel reviewing a new flying car from them! I’m wondering if they are credible developers?

Well, they have managed to make a working product with an EFB tablet, while PMDG still struggle to do that, so make of that what you will :smiley:

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I bought the Corvette. I discovered the acceleartor often fails to work. This is very annoying. Does anyone have a fix for this or am I the only one with this problem? My controller is a Logitech extreme 3d pro.