Courchevel and Cirrus Jet is a BEAST!

I have been trying the Courchevel Landing Challenge all week and have yet to pull off a landing much less a Precision Landing! It seems at times as if a stall assist is coming on despite all assists being off in settings. Regardless, I am enjoying the weekly challenges, a great addition to the sim.

cant even finish the landing.

1- like some other landings challenges, the state of the plane is random and sometimes it start with the engine OFF

2- cant complete it anyway, as i get a fail each time that I land on the wrong runway (like half the landing challenges that have the wrong runways assaign for the challenge)

I finally made a landing there; I was not exactly close to target, but I made it!

I just did 5 attempts, one of them failed, as I … didn’t really care.
Anyway, this is what you need to do:
The flaps on this plane are incredibly powerful. Poweful enough to make your plane crash, the engines don’t have enough throttle to keep the plane flying. Thereby, you can basically fly in at almost full throttle, maybe go down to 80-90%, let the plane sink naturally, there’s plenty of time. It is really very, very late, that you want to cut the throttle, try to touch down at around 80.