I manage to get the #504 rank for this challenge. But what is the correct v/s to touch the runway? They tell the closer to 0 the better. But is it absolute descent speed, or relative to the positive slope of the runway?
Non of the below is my own work but its too good to leave where it is. The credit goes to raymondgoubet (who has his own YT channel) who was responding to a video posted by Grippersim on his Reaction Review YT channel. https://youtu.be/jotMk1nLj1s
I understand:
the LANDING PRECISION is the distance from the center of the square to the actual touch down spot, along the length of the runway (in your best try, it is 4 ft, so you touched down 4 ft from the center of the square). For a 4 ft distance, you lost 67 points from a max of 5000, see below ++… So, 16.75 points per ft.
the GROUND ROLL is about how you can maintain the runway centerline, ie not the length of the ground roll, but the maximum distance between the left-most and right-most positions the ground roll is. Basically, the closer to the the runway centerline, the smaller the value, and the higher the score. The faster you stop, the more likely you avoid going sideways… In your best try, it is 8 ft, giving a high score of 4643, so 8 ft sideways lost you 357 points from the max of 5000 ; see below ++… So, 357 / 8 = 44.625 points per ft
the LANDING SMOOTHNESS is how slow you go down when you touch down. In your best try, 165 fpm. So 165 fpm lost you 42 points from a max of 200; see below ++… I wonder what value gives 200 points, because I doubt it’s reasonable to assume 0 fpm to get 200 points! I haven’t looked at all your tries, but in your best landing, it is 42 / 165 = 0.25454 or 1 point lost per ~4 fpm… Needs more investigation… IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO BE THAT SMOOTH!
And TOO smooth is not that good either: interesting article to read: https://www.thresholdx.net/article/lndrte
Question: do very bad results give 0 or 1? With any 0, the final scoring can be 0 ! If 1, the the final scoring will be poor, but not 0 !
++: I have done some physical measurements on the scoring screen, to find out the maximum SCORING :
You can maximise the screen then measure with a ruler, the length of the white bar vs the total length of the bar, and you do the ratio, using the values, and you will find out that: (for best precision, use values in the middle of the bars, close to 2500, 2500 and 100…)
the maximum values for both LANDING PRECISION and GROUND ROLL is 5000
similarly, the maximum value for the LANDING SMOOTHNESS is 200
So, the theoretical maximum value, with the current formula, which is
is: (5000 + 5000) * 200 = 10,000 * 200 = 2,000,000
Now, consider the following examples: (consider 1&2, 3&4. 5&6, then all of them)
NB: because the LANDING PRECISION, GROUND ROLL, and LANDING SMOOTHNESS have different max values, let’s consider percentages of them, for examples:
Example 1: 80% of LANDING PRECISION, 80% of GROUND ROLL, but 100% of LANDING SMOOTHNESS:
we get: (4000 + 4000) * 200 = 1,600,000
Example 2: 100% of LANDING PRECISION, 100% of GROUND ROLL, but 80% of LANDING SMOOTHNESS:
we get: (5000 + 5000) * 160 = 1,600,000
Example 3: 70% of LANDING PRECISION, 70% of GROUND ROLL, but 100% of LANDING SMOOTHNESS:
we get: (3500 + 3500) * 200 = 1,400,000
Example 4: 100% of LANDING PRECISION, 100% of GROUND ROLL, but 70% of LANDING SMOOTHNESS:
we get: (5000 + 5000) * 140 = 1,400,000
Example 5: 90% of LANDING PRECISION, 90% of GROUND ROLL, but 100% of LANDING SMOOTHNESS:
we get: (4500 + 4500) * 200 = 1,800,000
Example 6: 100% of LANDING PRECISION, 100% of GROUND ROLL, but 90% of LANDING SMOOTHNESS:
we get: (5000 + 5000) * 180 = 1,800,000
You see the pattern: (<100% + <100%) * 100% = (100% + 100%) * <100% , as long as the % difference is the same:
we have: 60% = 0.6 , 100% = 1
so: (0.6 + 0.6) * 1 = 1.2 * 1 = 1.2 , which is equal to: (1 + 1) * 0.6 = 2 * 0.6 = 1.2
[in our scenario, as the % applied to LANDING PRECISION and GROUND ROLL is the same, we can consider (LANDING PRECISION + GROUND ROLL) as 1 thing]
How to find out the penalty in points lost per ft, or per fpm ?
Looking at poor landings is the best method to find out the penalty in points per ft, or per fpm, because in a good try, you may be only 4 ft off , but due to rounding, 4 is the result of the rounding of between 3.5 and 4.4 (if only 1 decimal).
- the LANDING PRECISION : consistent values
Mean 16.723 points per ft
Min 15.625 points per ft
Max 17.750 points per ft
- the GROUND ROLL : can vary from 30 to 69 ; not very consistent! Maybe they take into account the turns/corrections. More investigation needed!
Mean 55.550 points per ft
Min 30.000 points per ft
Max 69.120 points per ft
- the LANDING SMOOTHNESS : around 1 point lost per ~4 fpm
Mean 1 point per 4.368 fpm
Min 1 point per 3.500 fpm
Max 1 point per 5.198 fpm
So, now, we have to see what is the hardest of the 3 factors to be the closest to a 100 % score, for each of the 3 factors:
the LANDING PRECISION is not too severly noted: on average, 16.7 points lost per ft.
the GROUND ROLL is severly noted: in your best try, you lost 44.625 points per ft. It is imperative to keep the centerline for high scoring!! As it can vary, we have to assume the number of corrections to remain centerline is taken into account… On average, 55.5 points lost per ft.
the LANDING SMOOTHNESS: appears to be consistent: on average, 1 point lost per 4.4 fpm.
What I small World it is: it’s my comment on Gripper Sim video! I am Raymond Goubet…
SirGazer, thank you for the compliment.
I saw this post when reporting that the ranking table in Courchevel challenge is buggy…
Post: Ranking table for the Courchevel landing challenge is buggy
Don’t know why but this problem does not occur here. Other problem arises: after Courchevel logbook, NEXT FLIGHT is always COURCHEVEL. Shouldn’t be another challenge?
UPDATE: Just tried Nice challenge and the ranking table bug occurred. NEXT CHALLENGE was fixed though. It seems there’s a lot of things to fix.
Yes, next of Courchevel challenge is not next, last time I tried yesterday. You say it was fixed in the Nice challenge… So have they made an update? I saw nothing when starting FS today…
Yes, the ranking table is buggy… I wonder if we lose our best score if we do another one that is lower. That was the impression I had before the 18 Aug before I could use FS, but watching the leaderboard having very few scores at the time, and seeing the best score of some appear to no longer be there… Very confusing. I have never seen the same gamertag twice when there where only a few scores. I also saw a leaderboard with a name several times at the time followed by “random” numbers:
I can’t find the video with SEVERAL “2 DEV numbers” like
“2 DEV 435467756”
“2 DEV 958754323”
I thought it was odd at the time to have players with a similar name. Then I thought someone wanted to keep his best scores on the leaderboard, hence a root “2 DEV” followed by numbers. Can someone have different tags? Then, they still need to log on as a different tag… Complicated. They would have to do that, if only 1 score remains for each player…
I think each attempt should remain, and that on the Leaderboard part at the end of a challenge, for YOUR POSITION, there should be the current position (just done) displayed, but also the best position of the currently playing player.
I just did 30th rank with 1,735,587 earlier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1vxiFD7GA4
How did you fix the bug?(don’t go to next flight)
Microsoft fixed it.