What CPU is at least good enough to allow me to run Terrain LOD to 200.My current chip stutters with it set to 200 and I prefer it maxed out as things look better in the distance specially as I fly a lot in photogrammetry areas with airliners.
While the Sim is multithreaded, single core performance is still pretty important for this sim (due to the nature of the main thread).
I would suggest going with a fast 6core/12 thread CPU at least, but don’t go over 8core/16 threads (all those extra cores and threads will simply not be utilized by the sim).
Are you looking to upgrade your current system? or building a new one?
For a new system; I would suggest a Ryzen 5 5600X on a B550 motherboard currently (if you can get the CPU, they’re in pretty short supply currently). A Ryzen 7 5800X will give you some more future-proofing, but the price increase is rather large.
For an upgrade; what motherboard and CPU are you currently running, since that will limit your choices.
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