Crackle, Audio-Dropouts and Stutter when flying over Areas with custom DEM/Mesh data

#PC #microsoftstore

I am having an issue that seemingly cannot get rid of, and that is crackle, audiostutter as well as micro freezes, whenever i am flying over a region with 3rd party DEM data or “Mesh” data as other developers might call it.

While I am aware of the fact that a dem for a country might be a gigabyte in size or more and that this might create further “stress” on the system, I am not really convinced that this is the reason here.


many other people are using these DEM files and i dont see others complaining


my system is strong, 5900x, 3080ti , 64 Ram and MSFS on dedicated NVME m.2 SSD and should be able to handle this


some 3rd party airports are much bigger in filesize and that for a much smaller area and still my system does not get affected by that.

Rolling cache on my system is deactivated and no manual caches are present (Rolling cache is said to worsen the problem, while i cannot make out a significant difference to be honest)

Examples would be the Austria and Germany 20m DEM by Troglodytus and/or the Canary Island or Balearic Islands DEM files by, all available for free on

Does anyone else have a similar experience and has figured out measures how to improve this?

Kind regards


Wrong area, not msfs bug. See 3rd party forum area and contact the 3rd party dev(s).

Hi there!
The bugs and issues category is for default MSFS content only. No addons.

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