Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Windows 10 store / Xbox app
Brief description of the issue:
Crashes on launch, soon as the Xbox game studio logo shows before even entering the menus, let alone a flight. sometimes rarely it gives the error: instruction at 0x00007FFBB3E72860 referenced memory at 0x0000000055530090 (or just the common 0xc0000005 error in event viewer). game runs perfectly fine if the error appears and I don’t click ok to terminate the program.
here’s a lick to what happens: MSFS2020 CTD on start up. - YouTube
PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:
GeForce RTX 2060
2666mhz ram
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
current then beta (to see if that worked)
anyone have any ideas? I have tried a lot already.
Not knowing what you may have tried (there are a lot of “try’s” out there), I would recommend you start with those in the “support” heading at the top of the page.
There is a lot there as well, but quite often so is the solution.
I don’t remember 100% of every thing I don’t since I have been doing just this for a bit now but here is the lot I have tried based on other peoples solutions for the same error:
-set msfs20 to performance mode in the windows settings
-increased the virtual memory size
-down graded and reinstalled graphics drivers
-disabled overclocking
-re’installed’ visual studio
-installed windows SDK
-done sfc /scannow (had issues in the past to)
-disabled XMP (2.0) (had issues in the past)
-deleted the rolling cache files
-moved community folder
-opening .exe file in legacy operating system mode
-reinstalling game
sorry for not including with post
The first thing I would do is upgrade (ha ha) the Nvidia driver’s to the latest (497.29).
They seem to work much better than the last, which caused a LOT of CTD’s.
If that doesn’t help, here is a link to the Xbox app trouble shooter.
It says uninstall/reinstall, but there is a lot else there as well that doesn’t involve that.
unfortunately no luck so far
tried both but still the same issues.
[Update-fixed it]
My flight stick just didn’t want to work for some reason despite working before.
guess i gota fix that now.
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