Crash to desktop, unable to play



I recently built myself a new PC (specs below)… And my initial thoughts were: “I am finally going to enjoy this sim with good graphics!” Then it crashed during the first loading screen… So I tried again… And again… And eventually it loaded up, but then it crashed 2 min after take-off… It has crashed every time since then… My longest flight has been about five minutes so far… I have the latest drivers and I have tried to reinstall the sim several times, and I have never had any content in the community folder… MSFS is the only application I’m experiencing CTDs with… I can play other games for 10 hours straight without any issues…

So… Is the sim badly optimized for the new Intel Alder Lake CPUs and/or Windows 11? Does anybody else have these same issues with similar hardware?


CPU: Intel Core i7 12700K 3.6 GHz
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 64 GB DDR4 3200 MHz
GPU: Gigabyte RTX 3070 Master V2.0
SSD: Samsung 980 PRO NVMe 1 TB
OS: Windows 11
Screen: AOC CU34G2X 3440x1440 @ 120Hz

if you’re on the latest NVidia drivers, roll back to the drivers from November. Latest drivers cause all sorts of issues.

Your computer is too powerful, the sim can’t keep up.

You don’t necessarily need to roll back the drivers. Start by turning off Windows hardware graphic acceleration (HAGS).

That has worked for me as well as others here.

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I bought MSFS on release (have played since the DOS days) and I am just now getting around to playing it. I was getting constant crashes. It was unplayable.

I disabled HAGS and the Nvidia overlay. No more issues. Not sure which one fixed it, but I have had zero issues since doing these two things. I hope this helps some people.

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I was having several CTD’s due to the latest “game ready” Nvidia driver … rolled back and solved the problem. I also switched to the latest “studio” driver just to test it and so far no problems. Many folks were reporting issues when they updated to the latest “game ready” driver… hope this helps.

I disabled the HAGS and nVidia overlay. Would CTD constantly, now it works perfect. Win 11.

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You and I have almost the identical PC specs and I started having this issue as well. Although, I was running MSFS on a regular non SSD drive since my primary SSD only has 500 GB. I have since got a new SSD the very same as you. Just waiting on the MSFS to finish downloading.

It’s not your PC. After the new Nvidia drivers, MSFS has been crashing a lot.

All you have to do is turn off HAGS(Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling).

This should solve your problem and there is no need to roll back to older drivers.

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Thank you for the info. I will make sure and do that prior to launching MSFS again. I bought the DVD version and sad as it is, I still have to wait on the whole 100 GIG plus to download. Basically the DVD version is so old basically you have to download 100 gig of update files.

Ahh man that sucks. Yep, DVD speed will keep you up long. Well, hope everything goes well for ya.

I read on the DVD install forum and the DVD disk are the copy of the first release of MSFS. Basically when you wait 3 hours for the disk to copy over, you have to wait another 5 for the updates to download and over write the outdated files. I would have saved time by just downloading it strait form the Win Store with the software redeem key.

How in the heck do you actually start a topic form the community forums? I know how to reply but not post a new topic. Please tell me that this is allowed, or is it like X Plane forums and only the admins can start a topic.

Hi @turion1973,
This forum guide topic may assist you:

See also Trust Levels and how to advance:

I got it, this works like another forum I track. The more you post the higher the trust level. This does prevent trolls and stuff.

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Just finished a 4 hour flight with zero issues! Disabling HAGS seem to have solved the problem, and I feel like an idiot not doing enough research on the matter before posting the thread.

Thanks for your help guys!

I haven’t installed anything from a DVD for the last 15 years I think… Are you limited by slow internet bandwidth? In that case I feel bad for you man! :frowning:

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