Sim has been working so well of late, but since yesterday it will not stop crashing when loading into an airport.
I have rolled back drivers, switched to DX11, cleared community folder.
Anyone else have this issue or a suggested solution?
Sim has been working so well of late, but since yesterday it will not stop crashing when loading into an airport.
I have rolled back drivers, switched to DX11, cleared community folder.
Anyone else have this issue or a suggested solution?
Is this a payware airport or an airport that is standard in the simulation?
Standard in the sim. I have tried multiple airports.
Same problem .
I changed the UserCfg.opt target (InstalledPackagesPath) to “C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe”
started MSFS,
then changed back to my “F:\MSFS” –
started MSFS, and the problem disappeared .
I had cleared the TEMP file – C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Local\Temp
Perhaps this also helped clear the problem .
Same here. Started yesterday using the 172 G1000. Have not tried other aircraft yet.
After 5 random CTD’s in a row. I gave up. Had things to do. I wasted well over an hour.
For me, the graphics start to slow then Kaboom.
Strange thing is, I have had no problems up until yesterday.
I have rolled back my nvidia drivers to the previous version, changed back to dx11 and still had issues. I have just managed to complete 2 flights though, albeit with lower fps for some reason. I don’t know what’s changed.
I’ll have to join with the folks having problems. I did the 07 update, several Windows updates, and updated the Nvidia drivers for my 1080Ti. Everything was working fine and I thought that the 07 update solved the unable to load anything problems I was having with 06. However, after a couple of flights with no problems, now I can no longer load anything. I can get into the program and do everything, including purchasing several aircraft and airports. I can select an airport to fly to/from and any aircraft, but as soon as I hit FLY, everything stops and I have to use the Task Manager to exit the program. I’ve tried the usual solutions, but so far, nothing seems to work and I’m stuck with a very expensive paper weight. Anybody have any new approaches to fix the problem, or is it reload time?
I didn’t have a crash since many months but today i had random crashes on MSFS. Ctd could happen while loading on airport, menu screen, loading the sim, with and with out addons etc.
Don’t understand what changed since yesterday…
Also seeing increased CTDs while loading into an airport; usually around the 90% mark of loading in.
I have rolled back drivers to 496.76, switched to DX11 and installed the latest beta via Steam and so far I am back to flying with no issues.
FYI - I’m still using the current drivers but I turned off the Windows Hardware Graphics Accelerator. The downside was, I had to change the sim graphics settings from High to Medium.
No CTD’s in my last 4 flights.
Sounds like either fix will work but you get to keep your performance.
I’m just happy to be flying again. Looks like there may be an issue between Windows (accelerator) and the sim.