Create a separate marketplace category for enhanced night lighting

As it stands at the moment there are many hundreds of “night lighting enhanced” products in the scenery category which floods it and makes all of the other content hard to find and access.

Clearly there is sufficient product demand for night lighting as a content line that it is worthy of its own marketplace category. This would provide better organisation in the marketplace and help users find the content they want.

Please create a new category for enhanced nighttime products and move the existing products into it.

I’d rather have an option to filter out certain developers. Call it a blacklist if you want, where I can add certain developers. Their products then won’t show up in the marketplace for me.


That would work for me, either would solve the problem that currently exists with trying to discover interesting and innovative scenery products which are currently drowned out.

A personal Blacklist is definitely a good idea!


A form of filter or separation is definitely needed for these enhancements. However this could be an unfair advantage for this developer, having his own category showing prominently in the marketplace.

I would welcome a blacklist very much. Maybe give the option to blacklist developers and categories and create more subcategories. This way they could be hidden easily and all developers are presented the same way.

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Different Wishlist topic. Please use this instead:

Thanks, voted over there.

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This is fixed? I don’t remember seeing anywhere that this was implemented, but just now I’ve spotted that the World panel on the marketplace has a separate Night Lighting category. :ok_hand:

I’m on beta SU15, not sure if it’s fixed for those not on beta.

That’s 407 marketplace items I don’t have to look at again! :grin:


Wish granted!