When are we going to get rid of all the credits that they show before we are able to fly more credits than a movie startup rubbish
cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App "-FastLaunch"
I’ve actually considered replacing those three video clips with something like the Looney Tunes intro…
hobanagerik has provided a solution already, although perhaps a tad brief.
Just cut and paste his string into the “target” section of your MSFS shortcut icon. (Right-click the icon)
You should be good to go. You’ll still get the recently added MSFS splash screen, though.
Thanks never knew that, gonna do it
Yeah, that might work. A Tri-plane with a C-119 in it’s sights!
Just imagine that tune every time you start up MSFS, it would make my day . Looney tunes would also work though, or ducktales maybe. All three together is exactly as long as the credits now .
+1 for Ducktales - used to watch that one with my son back in the when
It will not let me paste into my shortcut I opened up cmd and pasted into cmd and that’s all
I think you are referring to the -fast launch option?
Based on my recent experience with it, I’d recommend that you stay away from -fastlaunch and just sit through the various splash screens, particularly if you have the Windows Store version.
Intermittently, I’ve experienced some faulty start-ups today, using -fastlaunch. Claims there’s no connection to the content server.
Thanks mate I will take your advice
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