CTD after Downloading Marketplace Scenery

Bought and downloaded Gaya Simulation Vienna from marketplace. After the download completed and while it was being uncompressed, sim crashed.

When launched again as admin, it crashed at the launch while checking for updates.
Went to the onestore folder, deleted the vienna package and could launch the sim successfully.

Closed the sim.

Now, I added back stuff that was in community folder earlier- a32NX, FSDT Zurich and the liveries. Launched the sim as an admin .
This time though it didn’t even reach the update part and got CTD.

CTD isn’t going away even after emptying the community folder and starting as an admin.

@Hester40MT - I tried a number of things and they didn’t work. Tomorrow I am going to uninstall and reinstall the entire sim, something that I dread due to sheer time involved.

Can anyone tell me how to debug and get to the root cause of crash so that instead of doing this I can perhaps fix the problem itself? I come form a software background and will be able to take it up, given right direction and material to read.

Also, is there a way just to install the executable, like the one that was released on 22nd and not entire packages?

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