CTD and Stutters since WU3 on my system

Hello everybody

I must be the most unfortunate man in the world. Until the WU 3 (UK) everything was smooth and full flights. In my opinion, without a doubt, the best flight simulator ever. I have been a fan of them since 1982. And I was very happy with this FS2020.

With the release of WU3 the stutters appeared, and now with the new Development Update, the constant CTDs have also appeared. After takeoff, at 10 minutes: CTD. On all flights. I can’t finish any.

The ticket thing in Zendesk is hilarious: Restart the PC, change settings, update drivers …

I use my PC exclusively for FS2020. I have not changed hardware or drivers since August 2020. If absolutely nothing on my PC has changed, why does what used to work very well now no longer work?

This is very sad. I’d like to be the only one Microsoft / Asobo / Zendesk ignores.



Given you haven’t updated your drivers since August 2020 I’d start there and follow zendesks advice. You might find your situation is improved.


Software/drivers are finicky and evolving, so it entirely possible that one of their suggested updates may get the sim working properly. You may also want to try clearing/resetting the rolling cache, as this has solved CTDs after an update a couple of times for me.


So you came here to complain about suggestions provided by Support without actually following them?


LOL… @RockGoat2888195 has frozen his drivers for 10 months, and wonders why he has a problem… sigh


Think of this as a blessing. What you have is an environment with a regular, and somewhat predictable CTD. Which means any suggestions we might make here are going to have either a noticeable effect quite quickly, or not at all.

My suggestion would be first of all ensure you are not flying any modded planes, stock planes only, and with no addons whatsoever in your Community folder. If you do nothing else, do that.

If you don’t get a crash 10 minutes after takeoff, we have moved one step forwards.

So how many times do I need to restart my PC until the CTD´s dissapear?.

Following your recommendation I am going to test with all Nvidia drivers from August 2020. I guess it will take days to do it. I will be back to report.

I’m talking about the drivers.

Well you could simply install the most recent ones.
But if you have a lot of time, just go on as you like.

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Well, I have already tried the latest Nvdia drivers: 672.18.

Community folder: Empty.

The CTD’s after 8 or 10 minutes of flight persist. Do you have any other good advice for me?

I will test all drivers until August 2020.


Does your sim CTD at 10mins regardless of activity, location, aircraft? Can you narrow it down to something or is it simply time-based?

I have tried the 466.27 too. No luck.

Coppersens: Thanks, but I’m sure it’s not a driver problem. A few hours before the update there were no CTDs and, just after the update, CTDs.

Despite that, I will try the other drivers. In x-plane it has happened to me sometimes that an old driver works better than a new one. But it was about working better or worse. In this case (FS2020) it is not working.

I’ll send a new ticket to Zendesk to see what joke they tell me.

Sad greetings.

Not updating drivers is a great way to introduce problems. Things change and stuff gets depricated. You keeping your system “stable” can actually drive it unstable.

That said, now that we know Microsoft/Asobo doesn’t document all their changes in the changelogs and expects users to keep refiling bug reports for things they did or didn’t fix, Zendesk can pound sand.

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CTD at 8 or 10 minutes regardless of activity, location, aircraft. Always the defaults. I used to fly:


Almost always on the C152.


Have you checked temperatures of the pc during use? Have you tried other games (that work the pc hard) to see if you get the same issues?

Also look at other drivers not just for the GPU.

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Yes, I have a Logitech G-19 keyboard and I can see the 10-core and GPU temperatures on the display. There is nothing unusual. Temperatures have never been a problem.

I can no longer test the PC with other simulators or games: I uninstalled x-plane. I only have (Had) the PC for FS2020.

Thanks for trying to help.

For anyone chasing Nvidia driver issues and having trouble updating to the latest drivers with FS2020 stutters and slowness, I can only offer this from my own experience.

There appears to be different versions of Windows 10 depending on what install media was used to build your system. The differences appear to persist through Microsoft’s update process.

My install was old and I couldn’t update past 453.70 without stutters and bad performance. I ultimately rebuilt Windows in desperation from my 4-5 year old install media but that didn’t fix things even with a new Windows install. As a last ditch effort to see if maybe it was hardware, I rebuilt Windows again but used a new windows.iso from Microsoft. That fixed all the Nvidia problems and I could run the new drivers. I’m on 466.47 smooth as it ever was.

While configuring Windows, I noticed lots of new options in the Security and Privacy option screens. I don’t believe the new options had been present in my screens built from old install media with full updates. They only appeared after the install from new media.

There have been some 10 or 12 different versions of install media since Windows 10 first came out. I don’t know what causes the trouble for Nvidia but anyone unable to update drivers into what appears to be a new generation of drivers (anything after 457.30) may have a fundamental Windows issue baked in from their install media heritage. Microsoft and Nvidia need to sort this and fix it. I’m not advocating anyone rebuild Windows. Just stating my experience. Obviously ymmv. Rebuilding Windows is a sledgehammer. Microsoft and Nvidia could go in with a scalpel and include the fix in an update.

If anyone is thinking of going this route, get Rufus to burn the new windows.iso to USB stick and Macrium Reflect (free version available) to back Windows up. It’s a royal PITA but it fixed my Nvidia issues. Only thing I can conclude, like I said, is there are differences in Windows versions depending on install media version that don’t get updated away.

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Might be worth giving something like Call of Duty Warzone a go to try and stress your pc. It’s free and you can turn the graphics settings up high. Or reinstall x plane. That’ll potentially give you an idea if its just MSFS or a wider issue.

Is your copy of windows up to date?

I have W10 fully updated.

I can’t test games or simulators other than FS2020 because I don’t have them.

But I use AID64 to stress the whole PC: GPU, CPU, RAM and SSD’s. I have done it until reaching 90ºC in GPU and CPU cores and there have been no CTD’s.

When the CTDs appear, the temperatures are within normality: <65ºC in the GPU and <60ºC in the CPU. I have wonderful liquid cooling in both.

I insist that CTD’s problems did not exist before the update and, after that, they are constant.

They are also produced in very light settings, with almost no buildings. No matter.

Greetings even sadder

@RockGoat2888195 I had been dealing with them for weeks Its pointless submitting a Zendesk ticket First off told me to reinstall Visual C++ which I did and it didn’t make any difference Then they said reset the PC so I wiped the SSD RE-installed Windows & MSFS still CTD. I got back on to them told them it didn’t work and they told me to uninstall Visual C++ and reinstall then they said reinstall Windows. They really are a joke… I’ve bought a new CPU, GPU, Motherboard, RAM, to try fix my CTD and I might ad my system before hand was a high Spec system, Their final reply on Zendesk was we’ are looking into it and marked it as solved

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The game I mentioned is free.