CTD solution when using the FBW-A320!

The CTD ́s were caused by outdated/duplicate entries from FBWA320!
Solution: First delete all FBWA320 entries, (Msfs2020 installation folder + in the /appdata
(c:user/yourname/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.Flightsimulator"numeric letters"…)
Check in each folder if there is still an FBW entry hidden, also under SimObjects and delete it!
The content.xml file in c:user/yourname/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.Flightsimulator"numeric letters"/LocalCache also delete!
Check InGame via the developer mode where your community folder is and install the FBWA320 there (specify installation path correctly in the FBW installer).
After that, all problems were fixed and I was able to fly without CTD’s without any problems! <3
It took me a lot of sweat to find out.