CTD v1.12.13.0 when flying over certain spots

The CTD issues in FS is truly a love hate relationship. Anyone getting CTD’s over the same exact locations everytime they try? I’m finding flying west south of Bermingham Alabama from any airport in the Atlanta area (KATL, KFFC) I never fail to get a CTD. Right as I’m at the top of climb from KFFC which is usually over the south Bermingham area there goes the 0xc0000005 error. Another guaranteed location is flying from the Minneapolis area mainly KFCM with a top of climb over Rodchester, BAM CTD error 0xc0000005 in event viewer…

What I’ve found to get around this is setup the flight plan to fly around these areas then it works. I usually use the ‘Jump To’ feature after reaching cruise altitude which is nice for longer flights but not being able to reach cruise when flying over smaller cities is a problem. It’s hard to trace something like this down.

Turn data off, and try the areas that crash again.

If you have 16GB of RAM try increasing the virtual memory in Windows to 16GB, it may solve this issue.

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