I am just having some weird rendering VR issues, where instead of having a natural VR perspective, everything looks more like a 3D video, where is no proper sensation of perspective or depth, if that make sense. It is like it stretches, instead of render a proper VR perspective.
The problem happens when you set up a custom scale in OpenXR development tools, it creates this problem.
I have also tried to over ride openxr using SteamVR, but this method doesn’t even work. It renders the screen in the corner and recentering doesn’t help either.
You can also recreate this issue even in Open XR demo scene. When you select a custom render scale below the default, generates this problem. The lower it is the scale the more pronounced it is the problem.
Reverb G2+RTX3080.
Is it anyone having this issue?
I would be surprised, since everybody is recommending lowering the scale and at least for me it is unplayable.
Yes, it is more stretching than anything. It is like you are looking to a bend photo through some glasses.
I can’t imagine people is experiencing the same when the first thing they recommend is lower the render resolution. It doesn’t look VR, it looks horrible.