Dear Asobo, please don't update on 22nd

Dear Asobo,

I’m scared. Please don’t update the flightsimulator before the holidays. This is not a joke. I mean it. Please don’t.

You know, I really like the MSFS 2020. It has its glitches. There are many bugs. And there are many unfinished elements. But I know, that this kind of product is a complicated one. Each flightsim was - in its era. And I know this one will lead to a great episode in the series of flightsimulators.

I really like you guys from Asobo. I know you’re dedicated people. I know you want this product to be as good as all the pilots want it to be. Beeing in IT myself, I understand, most things don’t work the first time. Not only regarding the product itself, but also internal structurs and processes in your company. This is a really big project and I appreciate your effort and commitment.

But to update a product like this - just before the holidays - is a bad decision. Most of us pilots will finaly have some time to fly and enjoy the MSFS. And most of Asobo will have some (well-deserved) days off, with their families.

We all know what happened with many of the last patches/updates. I admit, I did get a little impatient, especially after the last AP braking patch. I only can imagine the rush, which already is going on in your office, to get this update out on the 22nd. But I also understand how complex a project like this is. So many elements, aspects and expectations to bring together in one peace of big software.

And right now, it’s not for one gaming console for all (I don’t like consoles by the way), but thousands of variations of PCs on the other side. And also (we pilots have to admit) thousands of different states of knowledge not only regarding the flying, but also the computer in front of us. When I read some of the problems and questions, people write in this forum, a cold chill runs down my back. And I really don’t want to answer them. Cause they are a walking pandora’s box.

But what I’m really scared of, is your next update. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. I want this software to be updated. But maybe not on the 22nd? Maybe just after the holidays? When everybody is ready for it? Including the update itself?

My best wishes to all of you. :slightly_smiling_face:


This is like writing to Santa Claus :wink:


I agree.

I want to play the Flight Simulator on Christmas holiday.


They’re not going to delay an update they have announced months ago because you’re scared.

And they shouldn’t. They had a whole month to test this update.


Agreed. Better to push with the Sim and work out the bugs as they arise. It will only improve everybody’s experience in the long term.


Those of us expecting VR will disagree profoundly with the OP here!


I understand your point …assuming that VR will work and everything else too, after the update.

They learned from their mistakes by releasing only one update per month than two previously. So, we should let them do their job because the sim will have tons of updates because it’s still in a beta version, to be honest.

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Of course it will work. Didn’t you watch the video of the guy that showed the super smooth head tracking? And how cool it is to find the keyboard and mouse while under the hood? I say this tounge in cheek of course.

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I can live with that. I can live with that burden. :rofl:


I’m agree +1

Please Asobo, upgrade 22, as you have been doing so well from the start! It’s the most beautiful game of the century!

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LOL :smile:


I Agree too…!!!

Please be tolerant he must be the youngest of the forum members… such a funny thread.


Kids eh? Rolls eyes…

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This is why it’s important to give customers option to choose to install or not install updates


Or like XPLANE to allow a second copy to be downloaded and installed legitimately.


Get Real! :earth_americas:

I respectfuly disagree.

I don´t think “they had a whole month to test this update”.

I suspect they had a whole month to frantically write code for the new stuff, like VR, and eye candy like freezing lakes and snow (I´m guessing they will be as overdone as the aicraft icing, because it looks cool to casual X-Box gamers even if it is not realistic).

Don´t get me wrong, I´m happy they are working hard and fast. Even if it is being an evenful journey, sure we are improving fast, and I think the future seems bright.

But on the 22th, we will the ones to test the result. For good of for bad.

That´s why even Aerosoft themselves still don´t know if they can release their CRJ for christmas. Because things are moving so fast, there is no time to test before release.

But I´m positive.
I´m certain that for New Years Eve, the A320NX team will have whatever is broken, fixed again.