Capitalism, deregulation, free markets, etc. generally justify the principle of “Caveat emptor”.
And, as I like to say - expect nothing and you’ll seldom be disappointed.
Pay a lot and expect nothing!
Please close this thread as it is obvious Jorg will never respond or acknowledge the feedback provided.
Just spreading the good word, as I don;t see it talked about anywhere. At the end of the 12/19 development update, it says the next development blog update will be 1/9/25 - Today. I will be (somehow) more concerned if there is continued radio silence.
Why, “Silence us”.
A month ago I purchased MSFS 2020. Currently I’m playing not so long on Xbox X and PC. But things are running impressive with others.
I read quite a view reviews, and FS2024 reviews are quite bad on my stores.
So I decided to get in the FS 2020.
I have some trouble with the downloads, issues which I didn’t had so far anywhere.
I had to contact support, well things are still the same.
I started playing on PC as on Xbox X and run straight into trouble with compatible peripheral hardware which works in any other game without issues.
Meanwhile I`ve been reading certain things do not get fixed here, because they did not get recognized.
This is very strange indeed, such simple things.
I have trouble with planes not starting, parking brakes failing, or throttles behaving erratically, and graphics looking not so good.
Well I switched off certain AI settings, but other things still do not run.
40hrs of game and already have to reset what so ever and reinstall the entire game on recent 2024 equipment???
Now I understand why reviews in my area, are pretty bad and too often to read.
I don’t agree about closing, I agree about the fact that he will not answer, but he, or someone of his team can read what we think. We are simmers and customers, we are the reason why FS2024 is made for and I think it’s good we share our “open letter”
I know my comments here are not helping anybody but why is Asobo being somewhat lazy about rolling out fixes and improvements?
We never got the LOD issue resolved in MSFS 2020 with SU16 (not yet anyway) and we’re dealing with a broken game that’s a roll of the dice every time you launch it.
I just want to enjoy a flight with zero visual and performance issues for a change no matter where I am on the map. Did Asobo test the game at all in anything but a barebones Cessna or GA aircraft?
This really shouldn’t become a trend and developers should not be let off the hook. Thankfully, I haven’t bought the game and likely won’t until I actually see improvements rolling out. Also, in the live streams, they seem to sidestep the real issues quite a lot. That’s really disrespectful to customers, especially those who have been long been supporting Flight Simulator even before it debuted on the Xbox.