Dear Jorg, We would like to receive honest information when we can play, when there will be adequate server capacity

Ah I see who you mean! It took me a while but I did it!

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What is the reason for the silence? How come the stream is not available? Doesn’t Microsoft have anything to announce?

There is something to talk about in my opinion, because the server service is still not adequate. All textures are blurry, the photogeometry is unenjoyable.

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I have tried to get a clearification but my comment was edited. It is not allowed to ping the Team. We can only wait on the time it is scheduled or hope that the team might stumble accross the request and provide an answer.

Nah just seen the official schedule on twitch is empty for today. So we will have to wait until next week.

8 days and we are still the same, deceived as always by these smoke sellers and scammed since last week, where is the FS2024 this is not what they advertised and what we paid for, therefore they scammed me.


I will watch the livestream just to see everyone in it calling them out on every lie they have shoved in our faces.

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I’ve just seen that they’ve ducked it! No developer stream. They’ve taken my money and run! The silence from Microsoft is deafening (apart from Seedy who has tried his best - actually feel sorry for him).


I am very sad and disappointed. It’s been 8 days and nothing has changed. Today I tried flying again, but it was disappointing. All textures are spotty, photogeometry is still a disaster. I don’t know why they don’t put more servers, more services into operation to solve the problem. It’s useless to have 350 Mbit internet if the servers can’t serve me. I’m not even talking about the fact that we don’t get any information. Then I realized that it’s pointless to ask for any information. Microsoft’s answer doesn’t correspond to reality.

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Hello @Si1207886,

The developer stream is not canceled, just delayed by one week. It is now scheduled for Wednesday, December 4. The dev team is 100% focused on addressing some of the most critical issues experienced by simmers, and that is their priority at the moment. We will be sharing more information with the flight sim community soon.



Hi Seedy, please know that comment was not directed at you. I’m genuinely appreciative of your efforts to help me.


What do you know about Microsoft’s plans to improve the server infrastructure? All textures are spotty, photogeometry is unusable.

Thank you


I should imagine that Seedy’s hands are tied when it comes to giving out precise information.

Time will solve the server issue by itself. Just a question of time until enough cusotmers are gone that the complains will dry out and they can say everything is fine now. The number of customers with problems have significantly gone down. Not to mention the numbers are down compared to the first day. And in a few weeks from now, sales will make up the lost numbers. New players will come in and everything is fine. I am not saying the are not doing anything.

It is just a question of time until the majority of players with problems move away.

Mission accomplished

I am glad to hear that Jörg and Seb are coding themselves actively and removing bugs which is why they have no time to:

a) Share their priorities in regards to bugfixing
b) Share their plans in regards to (e.g.) make planes downloadable and un-encoded
c) Share their plans in regards to Career mode (so many issues - is this going to be a high-prio topic where you assign a task force?)

etc. etc.
It is good to know that the managers are not managing but actively working.

/s - just in case



I am quite sure this post will get flaged shortly. It is not okey to critisice them personaly. You might change this prior. just my 2ct

Why is it not allowed? I do not expect the devs show up themselves talking about the next steps to be taken to save this mess.

This is management duty. That’s why we have a management.

Just my 2ct.

Sebastian Wloch is indeed a coder :sunglasses:

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Hello @MerlinCH65,

In case you weren’t aware, in addition to being CEO of Asobo Studio, Seb is also a developer himself and has personally written some of the MSFS code. If you’ve watched any of the previous developer livestreams, you may have seen him give really in-depth technical presentations of some of his work, for example the updated CFD simulation.



I am sure that SEB is also a DEV - but right now I would have assumed that he and Jörg are “managing the situation” instead of coding away all night long themselves? I mean Asobo has how many devs again?


That got cancelled. Who’s shocked???

Hello @moxiejeff,

The Developer Livestream is not cancelled. It is rescheduled for Wednesday, December 4.
