I have over 250 GB of manual cache and I do not know what it contains, should I delete it, it takes up 25% of my SSD?
You can configure the manual cache in the Options menu:
Options::General::Data::Manual Cache
You can change not only the size of the cache, but also the location - perhaps change it to a hard drive instead.
It’s probably better to use this to make changes. The sim will just replace the file if it finds you’ve just deleted it, though if you do change the location of the manual cache, you may need to delete the original cache on your SSD. The manual cache is only useful if you have a slow internet connection, and you often fly around the same area. If you haven’t set up an area, then it’s not doing anything.
You might also want to change your Rolling Cache settings, as well.
Hello, from my understanding of rolling cache, it is only for temporary buffering the content. If you have a slow Internet and fly e.g. fast over an area, you will need a bigger rolling cache as someone who have a faster internet. NOW THE QUESTION: is there any information how the size can be calculated based on the downstream value you got from the Internet Provider? I think it makes not sende to create a huge Rolling cache.
Regarding the Manual Cache: This is I think only if you want not donwload at all regions, right? But what is if the region will updated? will you still on the old version you donwloaded some time ago?
Per the last dev twitch broadcast (and added to the forum by @jummivana) this was their response about the cache.
Answer: All the rolling cache does is put world data into a FIFO cache on disk so that when flying over an area twice, the data isn’t streamed from the internet again. Each http request will first check the presence of the data on disk before reading it from the internet. Data is not changed in any way and is stored on disk in exactly the same format as it is received from the internet. In some situations, the HDD access may be slower than high speed internet access, but for the majority, the cache will reduce and / or prevent terrain streaming lag. In all cases, the rolling cache will reduce the internet data usage and free up bandwidth for other uses when users fly over the same area again. We recommend a rolling cache of at least 8Gb, 32Gb being enough for most use cases. In most cases the sim will stream world data at an average below 10Mbps. The rolling cache does not impact user experience when they fly over new areas however. We have not thoroughly tested the benefits of creating huge caches of hundreds or thousands of gigs but given how the system works, as the cache grows bigger and bigger, it’s benefits should fade out and it will take a lot of time to even fill up the cache.
Thank you all for the advice I will work on that today.
EDIT All seemed to work well by deleting the manual cache, it did free up 257 GB and I think the graphics have improved because without knowing any better I originally downloaded the whole world at medium level quality. Now I see more detail and sharper graphics. One downside now appears to be I have lost the two USA scenic flights which I never completed, not sure if I can get them back?
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